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Company Picnic

The First annual Plate Line Family picnic took place on Saturday July 16th 2016!

We had a great time out at The Ranch at Little Hills in San Ramon and most of our team members came out with their families for the mid-summer celebration.

The day included volleyball, basketball, ping pong, archery, and even rock climbing for our more adventurous picnic goers. We all enjoyed a fantastic bbq buffet lunch in between all of the fun activities and had a chance to visit with one another and enjoy our beautiful picnic site at Little Hills.

We concluded our day with a rousing game of softball that was fun for everyone whether they were a participant or a spectator! We will definitely be making the softball game an annual tradition and Im betting that some of us will be training before hand next year so as not to be so sore the day after! Aches and pains aside, it was a great way for everyone to have fun together and work as a team, which is what we strive to do every day within the company.

Its always a pleasure to see the Plate Line friends and family at these events and to have time to hang out away from the office and the job sites. Building relationships is a priority that helps us work together throughout the year and we are happy to have such amazing people in our group!

Thanks to everyone who came out for the fun, and for those who weren't able to make it we will see you next year at the 2017 picnic!

Barbara Miks

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